Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

Now that the holidays have past, I am taking serious aim at organizing and ridding my house of clutter! We can accumulate massive amounts of stuff before we know it, and just like we must clear the clutter from our desks and files to organize ourselves at work, we must also do the same in our homes.  Bookcases, cabinets and closets are the biggest trouble spots that collect hidden items that we no longer use or are simply forgotten about.

 I suggest using 3 large boxes or  shopping bags to sort.  They should be labeled- DONATE - DISCARD (recycle if possible)- and KEEP.  If you do not remember the last time you used the item, you probably won't use it.  We hang on to stuff because we think we should for some sentimental reason, but it really does no one any good and really creates a cluttered life. Donate books to assisted living facilities, hospitals or find a retailer that purchases used books. Many churches and other organizations such as The Salvation Army will  gladly accept household goods and small furnishings that you are no longer using.  Once I start organizing, I have to get rid of the stuff.  I don't wait to have a garage sale- I want to get rid of it NOW!

Start in a specific area and DO NOT move to the next until that area is finished.  Hitting multiple areas at once becomes overwhelming and can slow the process.  And, it is a process so recognize that it will take some time.  I like to start in areas that are seen, like an open bookshelf.  I clear everything off the shelves, and as I put items back, I think of those three boxes.  Try to eliminate at least 1/2 of the items off each shelf.  Think that is difficult?  Wait- you will be surprised at the result.  Arrange items in odd numbers and vary their heights.  While you are add it, add something that reflects nature and add an element of surprise. Here is a picture of a bookcase with some of the elements that I wrote about.  Notice we even used the area above the bookcase for some unexpected elements.



Make this your New Year's resolution to clear the clutter as you begin 2011!  Barb

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